Diane. The ginger cat

“A word from Diane……. We recently purchased a Piaggio APE 50 van from Barbara/Coffee Latino, without knowing anything about either her or the company. Since then, we have corresponded/phoned, almost daily and I can honestly say, without any hesitation whatsoever, it has been a completely positive experience; Barbara has always been there to support and answer absolutely any questions that have arisen. We received excellent Barista training and coffee advice, way over and above anything required and Barbara and her team have been on hand to support us from the outset, from Barista training to producing graphics for the van, to day to day trading advice. I would say, without hesitation, her supplies and equipment are of the highest quality at the most competitive prices and that she is always there to support her clients. I paid a deposit for the vehicle and was invited to visit Barbara’s trade unit in Newcastle for training and at her insistence, to see the vehicle before final payment (loved it from the moment I saw it, it was a credit to her and now me!!). We have lots of coffee vans dotted around London; people tell me this one is the best they have seen! She is now my coffee supplier of choice and I would thoroughly recommend anyone to deal with Barbara and Coffee Latino!”